Weekly "Dreamon" devlog (week 03)

Week 03

Hey hey hey, welcome to the third "Duality" devlog.  I know, that I am almost late, but I've got this just in time. Please follow me, to don't miss other devlogs, if it happens again. 

U p d a t e s:

- There is one more thing, that I have to excuse for. In the last dev log, I said, that I will work on main character upgrades this week. I have idea, how I want to go about it, but that is it. No more progress at this. However, I had just enough time to make a new main menu screen screen. You can see it in the screenshot. It is animated in the game, but my I still haven't setup my obs the right way, so I can not record it without huge fps drops. Sorry for that.

- Main menu can be controlled with mouse and keyboard, it works very smooth, to be honest, I can't even find any bugs. I am very proud of how it turned out.  Background image will change according to scene, that the game has been saved at. Sadly, I don't have assets for next levels yet, but I am planning to draw them in the near future. You can be sure, that it will be documented in dev log as soon as it is ready. So follow^^

- Pause menu has been made, just like few minor bug fixes.

- There is background music now. I have fully coded music manager, it will let me to change music at any time and point of the game. Of course transitions between scenes doesn't affect music if not needed.

It might not seem much, but progress can be felt! Stay tuned for more information about my project. If you want me to show you how I made some things, feel free to hit me up in comment, I will gladly create a tutorial!

Good luck with your creations!


Main menu
This is the new look of main menu

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